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Wave photos from Hawaii

Clark Little surf photographer

Clark Little is from the hallowed shores of Waimea Bay and is re-known for surfing its wild shore break. Little is a husband, and father of two, and as well as his skill on the water he has gained worldwide recognition for his photography in the water.

His passion for surf photography began in 2007, when Clark ‘s wife wanted a nice picture to hang on the wall. So Clark grabbed his camera, dived in the water, and starting snapping away framing the majesty of monstrous Hawaiian waves from within.

Clark’s images provide a unique view of the ocean, that most will only be able to experience safely on land, in a gallery, or if lucky at home on the wall. There is no shortage of surf photographers around the world, but it’s always a privilege and pleasure to find one as skilled as Clark Little.

Beach - surf crashes down by Clark Little

Beauty - water drops by Clark Little

Break - wave crashes down by Clark Little

Molten liquid gold by Clark Little

Red mysterious shot by Clark Little

Sand in surf by Clark Little

Splash - stunning shot by Clark Little

Sun glints off wave by Clark Little

Tubular shining by Clark Little

White tumultuous water by Clark Little

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