Site icon Surfer Dad

Surfing silhouettes

When the sun paints the sky, surfers become anonymous shadows on illuminated waves.

Fancy aerials and acrobatics pale in comparison to nature’s artistic talent.

Sunset silhouette tandem style
Source: Surfland Photography

Surfing on fire
Source: Andy Hughes

Yallingup aerial as the sun goes down
Source: Greg Burke

Sunrise surfing in B.C.
Source: Ariadna PS

San Clemente Pier perfection
Source: Larry Beard

Saunton Sands sunset surfer
Source: Hteik

Surfing gives you wings
Source: Avellana surf photos

Shoreline silhouette
Source: Keith Lyle

Praa Sands sunset salute
Source: Courtesy of Tom Mosley Photography

Surf eclipse
Source: Surf Twisted

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