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Surfing is like a good poo

Man on toilet

Surfing is like a good long poo
Source: Weird World News

Surfing, like having a good poo or walking the dog, allows us time to think.

With so many demands on our minds, we often struggle to find time for the less immediate dilemmas in life.

There are obvious differences between wave riding, bowel movements and dog walking, but they all provide moments to set our minds free.

Bobbing outback during the lull between sets, sitting on a warm toilet seat in a silent room and strolling through a woodland to a soundtrack of rustling leaves. These solitary moments provide essential time for reflection and space for thinking.

Surfing will free your mind
Source: Jordan Weeks

I discovered the similarities between number twos, walkies and surfing, whilst contemplating the recent lack of posts on Surfer Dad. Was it due to tiredness, am I too busy with the day job, has the two week holiday in France consumed my creative juices, or have I lost my blogging mojo?

Then whilst reaching for the toilet roll I had a eureka moment. My dog is dead!

Woody my beloved black labrador passed away 3 weeks ago, 2 days before we were due to go on holiday. He developed a tumor on his spleen which resulted in massive internal bleeding. He was 12 years old, a bit smelly and could no longer be bothered to chase a ball. It was a long joyful life and a mercifully short period of illness, so it’s no longer grief my mind is suffering from.

Woody surfing

It’s the fact that I no longer go for a walk with Woody that has stunted my blogging. Walking Woody allowed at least half an hour everyday to gather my thoughts and mull over blog post ideas. Without this window of contemplation, my mind has at best been distracted, at worst – frazzled.

So what about toilet time and soul soothing surfs?

It’s true they also provide time to ponder over thoughts, but with a 5 year old daughter my need to take a dump is not cause for private time. The surfs I’ve had over the last few weeks have been fantastically enjoyable but they have been sporadic. The need for daily mind excursions, is what my blogging bit of the brain requires.

Me and Woody chillin

So what will I do without him? For now I’ve started locking the toilet door and trying to surf more before the onset of winter. I think I might try swimming or simply walking without a dog. But there’s no doubt I will need to find a new daily way to free my mind.

Any suggestions for freeing my mind will be gratefully received. Except drugs or another dog – been there, done that and time to move forward I think.

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