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Real surfer girls on tour

Hannah and Dannie – surfer girls on tour

Our favourite surfer girls Hannah Bristow and Dannie MacLegend are back.

And this time they mean business, with:
• a new Kelly Says video
• an exclusive interview
• top surf tips for Tenerife
• an invite to tour Spain with Hannah

So what are you waiting for? Read on…

The new Kelly Says video

An exclusive interview

So Hannah, you reached the semi finals of the English surfing nationals, so surfing no matter what must have paid off right?

Hannah: To be fair, the waves were really, really small so it was kind of what I’m used to now! I got lucky I guess!

Dannie: She’s talking out of her bottom. She surfed really well, it wasn’t a case of getting lucky at all! So I like to think it must have paid off.

Dannie has mastered the straight hander and Hannah now has a mean cutty, what’s the next trick to master?

Hannah: I’m trying some fins out turns off the lip or breaking section which is quite fun, I’m getting there (slowly!) and also working on my backhand because I’m a lazy goofy footer!

Dannie: Aside from pig-dogging in crazy 6ft shallow bazzas?! Haha, I’m just working on my cutties and hitting the lip, or as I like to call it “doing the top”.

The Hannah Bristow cutty

How long have you been a Def Leppard fan?

Hannah: Since forever!!!!

Dannie: What is “saccharine”? Does anyone even know?!

Have you ever cut the legs off a starfish?

Dannie: NO WAY! I’m a vegetarian! Well actually I’m a pescatarian/vegaquarian (I eat fish), so I suppose I could technically eat a starfish/cut off their leg. But no I haven’t. I’m sure I saw that fact on a kids TV show though, so it must be true.

Hannah: No I haven’t because I’m not weird.

Dannie: Hannah, that could be insulting to people that have cut off starfish’s legs.

Hannah: Shut up.

Top surf tips for Tenerife?

MacLegend making friends with the locals

What’s your top tip for surfing Tenerife?
Dannie: Take Hannah as a guide! Don’t go out to Linekers Bar, that place is detrimental to your surfing (and your general health)! But just go, it’s so awesome.

Hannah: Don’t annoy the locals, wear lots of sun cream and be prepared to surf the funnest waves of your life. The south in Las Americas is perfect all year long, there are 6 breaks next to each other and 4 work in the winter and 2/3 work in the summer so you never really have to leave the south. It is all reef but its mellow reef!

Your Spanish is impressive, any useful Surf Lingo for a Gringo?

Hannah: No me saltes la ola, tu madre es una cabra. (Don’t drop in on my wave, your mum is a goat).

VOY! (It means “I’m going” so you shout it when you take off so no one drops in on you down the line)

Dannie: Puedo ver tu culo…y es bonitoooo jajaja (I can see your bum…and it’s niiiiice hahaha)

Gnarliest moment in Tenerife?

Dannie: Dodging those bluebottle jellyfish (the little cretins HURT), oh yeah and Bristow’s head (I nearly ran her over when she was filming me surfing in the water).

Hannah: Telling Dannie it was pretty mellow the day the big swell hit and paddling out and losing both my contact lenses and just getting set after set on the head. Oh and when Dannie nearly ran me over when I was filming her in the water!

Surf tour with Hannah

The ultimate mobile surf palace

Hannah has started her own surf travel company We’re On Tour Travel, and wants you to surf tour with her.

We’re On Tour Travel have the ultimate mobile surf palaces, perfect for finding those surfing gems off the beaten track.

Here’s what Hannah (and Dannie) have to say about the new venture:

Why have you abandoned Blighty? Was the media attention too much for you?

Hannah: Well, Dannie went out for pizza in Newquay and messaged me to say some girls recognised her and asked if she was Dannie from Kelly Says so I thought I’d better get out of the country before fame got to my head.

Dannie: I’m still here, I just can’t get enough of fame, fortune and stag & hen parties!

Why Spain? Why Cadiz?

Hannah: In the winter it has such good waves with no one surfing. So we initially set up the surf tours there but we’ve been running a few in Portugal (which is only a 3/4hr drive away) and I fell in love with it.

So I decided to move all tours to Portugal after summer (September onwards) and we’re just updating the website now! It was just a lot more consistent with even more surf beaches. Also the flights to Faro are much cheaper for English people than they are to Spain, so everyone’s a winner!

Surfer girls on tour

Is MacLegend On Tour with you?

Hannah: Technically she’s not but she’s always here having a free holiday….

Dannie: I’m the official “Tour Tester”. It’s an extremely challenging and rewarding position.

Are you always the chauffeur or can people drive the motorhomes themselves?

Hannah: Me and my staff generally drive the motorhomes to the spots etc but if people want a bash then they are more than welcome to have a go at driving them!

Where do you go at the end of the day? Do you sleep in the motorhomes?

Hannah: We either stay on the beach in the motorhomes or drive to a wild camping spot and camp on a cliff overlooking the beach to watch the sunset. The motorhomes have been modified and are pretty awesome! They have a fully functioning bathroom with shower, bunk beds at the back and a double bed at the front and a kitchen/living area as well.

The beds are always made up as the living area is separate, so there’s absolutely no hassle! It’s like a cool apartment on wheels.

Dannie: It’s so awesome, and if you’re parked on a surf spot you can beat all the lazybones crowds down for a lovely dawny!

Has anyone drowned their sorrows on the booze back guarantee yet?

Hannah: Nope! We have a 100% success rate….so Dannie keeps asking if she can have all the free beer.

Dannie: When have I ever asked?!! (I just do it anyway :))

Dannie and Hannah drive off into the sunset

For more surf tour info visit We’re On Tour Travel.

For more adventures from Dannie and Hannah visit Kelly Says Surf.

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