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Surf Spray

Whoooshh! The sound and sight of spray shooting from a wave sends shivers of satisfaction down a surfer’s spine

The hiss and splash of the spray, sounds like a monsoon shower on a hot sidewalk. The crystal clean fan of saltwater, momentarily backlit by the sun, explodes like a water based firework.

Here’s a sensational selection of surf spray photos, to celebrate those precious seconds of glory:

All things bright and beautiful
Source: Jessica Bordenet

Grab and go
Source: Totón Buades

San Diego Sea Spray
Source: Absurdera

Take time to admire your own spray
Source: John Carden/MSW

Source: Wallpapers for you

River wave warrior
Source: Surf Anywhere

Birdman surf spray
Source: Avellanas Surf Photos/MSW

A.I. takes a bow
Source: Jessica Bordenet

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