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New surf rash solution

SETT Surf rash cream

Ever get rubbed raw whilst surfing? Fed up with rotten rash vests and sandy petroleum jelly? Cheer up, with your help there could soon be a new surf rash solution.

SETT surf rash cream is 100% natural and specifically for surfers. It’s made from an exotic blend of ingredients including:
• Manuka honey – good for antifungal and antibacterial benefits.
• Pawpaw, Seaweed and Aloe vera – designed to deliver antioxidants, essential minerals and amino acids to your skin.

Combined with a blend of natural oils, the cream has helped users to:
• reduce sensitivity and redness of surf rash
• soothe sun scorched bodies
• relieve dry and chapped skin
• moisturise daily

To research, develop and test the product, creator James Marshall jacked in his London city job and invested his life-savings. Now he’s looking for funding via Kickstarter, to get SETT Surf Rash Cream into the hands of surfers who need it.

If you want to support James and give SETT Surf Rash Cream a go, visit Kickstarter and pledge for as little as $1.

Here’s a video with more info:

Sceptical? Go to be honest I wasn’t sure either. That’s why I asked the main man, James Marshall, some questions:

• What’s wrong with Vaseline?

I don’t see a problem with Vaseline specifically, but rather petroleum based products more generally. From a purely practical point of view they aren’t ideal for surfing; the way petroleum based products work creates a layer over the skin which can leave a greasy and oily residue long after being applied – not good to get on clothes, and even worse if it makes you slide off your board!

In terms of healing, petroleum jelly is well known for being a good humectant; that means it locks in moisture, which in turn helps the skin’s healing process but it seals off the affected area, and that’s it, nothing extra is provided to support the skin and help it.

Lastly but certainly not least, from a personal health perspective, petroleum jelly must be refined in order to remove the carcinogens (substances known to cause cancer), and this may have been carried to varying levels of quality, so why take the risk? As a general note, everything you put on your skin can be absorbed into your bloodstream, so I think it is good to know what you are putting on your skin.

So, for SETT I chose the ingredients that offer properties like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and whole wealth of other goodies, as well as attracting and retaining moisture – all to help keep skin in great condition. I also choose to use natural ingredients to stay clear of known carcinogens, and of course I want it to be practical for a surfer’s needs which is why SETT Surf Rash Cream sinks into the skin, even with Candelila wax (which was added for waterproofing qualities).

• Why call it ‘rash cream’ when it’s multi purpose?

The original and overarching problem I am trying to solve is that of Surf Rash. However, during testing, it became apparent that surfers have other issues too that vary from person to person and SETT Surf Rash Cream could help with those.

Surfing and Surf Rash is the thing that unites it all, but people have very unique needs and can hopefully use this product to simplify their skincare shelf, and make life a bit easier. Also, when a surfer sees this they know it was created for them, as opposed to buying something else made for a completely different purpose that may or may not help.

• Men don’t do skincare products. Do they?

Haha, A few people have asked that. Just for clarity, SETT Surf Rash Cream is a unisex product and I hope that it will help many men and women surfers. But to answer your question, I think ‘men’ and ‘skincare’ are two words that are becoming increasingly common together and far less taboo.

I suspect this is a result of things like increasing awareness of looking after our bodies, and using natural products to look and feel good. We had the ‘metrosexual’ phenomenon in the early 2000s, and this year I saw the Liverpool FC team in T.V. advertisements for men’s skincare creams in the UK, which gives you an idea of how mainstream men’s skincare is becoming.

• I see the basic Kickstarter pledge is an invited drop in and high five. So we can redeem the pledge, where will we find you surfing?

Haha, I am a bit nomadic at the moment, so your readers all over the globe will get a chance. I am spending Christmas with family in New Zealand and hope to get some waves there, and then in 2016 am looking to be based in Portugal with a potential pit stop in Bali too.

Donating a wave is the least I can do – if my path crosses with that of someone who likes SETT and what I am trying to achieve, it would be great to spend some time to have a chat – I would love to hear from you!

Want to know more? Head over to the SETT website at:

In case you’re wondering, I received no freebies for this post. Really!

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