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Essential surfing equipment for beginners

It’s about more than just looking good
Image source: Wisegeek

As the summer fast approaches, you may be considering taking up surfing. Or perhaps you are an experienced surfer, looking to revamp your surfing equipment and clothing.

Here are some ideas to inspire a surfing shopping spree, and to set you up for a summer of surfing.


Surfboards come in all shapes and sizes
Image source: Surfers Village

The most important piece of equipment is your surfboard. It is also the most personal purchase that you will make.

While the size of surfboard will be largely determined by your weight, size, experience level, and surf fitness, there are other important questions that you need to ask yourself. How often will you use the board? Where will you be surfing, what will the conditions be like and what sort of waves will you be riding? Do you want to improve, or are you just interested in surfing for fun?

Boards for beginners normally have a good combination of volume, length and width. Generally bigger boards are better for learning, but bigger doesn’t always relate to length. The volume will increase buoyancy and make it easier to catch waves, while a wide board will be more stable, and easier to paddle. Soft boards and pop-outs are particularly suitable for complete novices.

Surfers have a reputation for being a little bit eccentric, and surfboards often reflect their personality. Get yourself noticed with a whacky surfboard like Paul Fisher’s ‘Dick Surfboard‘ (the clue is in the name), or blend in with a more standard white board.

Board shorts

Classic board shorts
Image source: Fellow

You won’t look at home on the beach unless you’ve got yourself a cool pair of ‘boardies’. Again these come in all shapes and designs.

Many designs use vibrant colour, distinctive images including Hawaiian floral patterns, and highlighted stitching. Tailored board shorts are a versatile choice, from chilling out at a beach restaurant to hanging with your homies post surf. Tailored shorts like those pictured above from Fellow are timeless classics. For additional comfort while surfing, choose seamless shorts or shorts with synthetic stitching.


Vintage shortie wetsuits
Image source: Vintage Surfboard Collector

Of course, if you’re more than a fair weather surfer, you’ll need to consider a wetsuit. This is a much bigger outlay than just shorts, and will require some greater consideration.

The most important factor is that it fits properly, otherwise even the most expensive wetsuit will leave you rubbed raw. Wetsuits come in full (with full length legs and arms), convertible (full length legs and detachable arms) and shortie (short arms and legs) designs.

Other surf accessories

Get kitted up
Image source: Ocean Beach Surf & Skate

While your shorts and your board are all that you really need to get started, there are a few other pieces of equipment which will help you on your way.

Boots, hoods and gloves will be required for cold water surfing, surf wax and surfboard traction pads will help you stay on, and a surfboard leash or leg rope will ensure that you don’t become detached from your beloved surfboard. A keypod key safe will protect your car keys while on the water, and a lockjaw surfboard lock will help secure your board when not in use.

And of course, don’t forget the sun cream.

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