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Moisturiser and sunscreen for surfers

Sunscreen for surfers

Surfers are exposed to the elements more than most. So Tom Marshall, founder of Ride Skincare, has developed some sunscreen and moisturiser for surfers.

Ride Skincare have spent two years researching, testing and developing natural skincare products for surfers and outdoor adventurers. Tom says:

“I tried all sorts of products but they either did not work in harsh outdoor conditions or, if they did, they were full of synthetic chemicals.”

That’s what makes Ride Skincare different; their moisturiser and sunscreen have been designed to work in extreme outdoor conditions and uses 100% naturally derived and organic ingredients.

What products are Ride Skincare launching?

Ride Skincare launching for surfers

Ride Skincare will launch with two products on Monday 24th October: Ride Protect and Ride Recover. You can buy them on Kickstarter here.

Ride Protect is an all-natural SPF 30 sunscreen. It uses the mineral titanium dioxide as its active sun protection. Titanium dioxide creates a barrier on top of the skin that reflects back the UVA and UVB rays. It also protects from wind burn and stops saltwater drying out your skin with the help of jojoba and coconut oils. Ride Protect has been extensively tested and is extremely water resistant.

Ride Recover is a 100% naturally derived moisturiser. Designed to be used as a post-surf moisturiser, or as an everyday cream. It’s light and absorbs easily into the skin with a smooth texture. Aloe Vera, green tea and high grade olive & peppermint oils help to rehydrate and replenish the skin.

Both of these products are fully developed, tested and ready to go into production.

Why launch Ride Skincare on Kickstarter?

Get Ride Skincare by pledging on Kickstarter today

Tom explains:

“We’ve been working hard for 2 years to get the products right and now’s the time to go into production. We just need an extra hand in getting there and that’s where our Kickstarter backers come in. Purchasing one of the pledges means turning a great idea into reality.”

Like the idea of skincare for surfers? Then help Tom and Ride Skincare protect the skin of you and your fellow outdoor enthusiasts by pledging your support on Kickstarter today. You can be one of the first lucky customers and pledge for some skincare products. There’s also other goodies on offer if you’re feeling generous.

The Kickstarter campaign will run for 4 weeks starting today, Monday 24th October.

Tom Marshall interview

Want to know more? Here’s a little video and an exclusive interview with Tom Marshall:

• Give me 3 good reasons people should switch from current range of sunscreens and moisturisers to Ride Skincare?

1. Unlike the majority of skincare products on the market, Ride Skincare’s Protect sunscreen and Recover moisturiser only use naturally derived ingredients as well as a number of organic ingredients, so you can be sure that what’s going on your skin comes from nature and wasn’t invented in a laboratory.

2. All Ride Skincare products have been extensively tested in real world conditions all over the planet to ensure they still perform even in the harshest conditions. Be that out on the ocean or up in the mountains, Ride has been there before so we know it works!

3. At Ride Skincare we care about our environment so to keep our impact as low as possible we ensure everything, from the packaging to the product itself, is made in the UK to cut down on travel miles. We also use the minimum amount of packaging and don’t use synthetic chemical ingredients that pose a risk to fragile ecosystems.

• How can you be sure they work, especially the sunscreen?

Ride Protect has not only been real world tested in some of the harshest conditions on the planet, but in order to achieve an UVB SPF 30 rating a clinical trial has to be carried out to ensure it meets the required EU standards not only for UVB but for UVA as well.

• Why are natural ingredients better, than lab tried and tested chemicals?

Ingredients found in nature have existed for millions of years and their interaction with humans is well known. Synthetically engineered chemicals are relatively new and their long term effects on humans and their skin is still being disputed. From a personal and ethical perspective I don’t want to be responsible for adding even more synthetic chemicals into our planet then there already is. For me, natural ingredients means lower impact.

• In creating the products what failed and why?

There have been plenty of versions of Ride Protect and Recover. In the early days Ride Recover went a bit overboard with the peppermint oil which led to quite a tingle on sun damaged skin! Aloe Vera was also added later on to help soothe wind burnt skin.

With Ride Protect, on a Surf trip to Taghazout in Morocco we found the water resistance didn’t quite make the grade. Going back to the drawing board there were plenty of synthetic options that can be found in items like commercial paint and sealant, but we needed a natural alternative! That’s when we discovered Candelilla Wax. It provided exceptional water resistance, so even when our skin was getting slammed by the wind and waves the protection was always there.

• Why do you need regular people to pledge money, won’t investors or the bank lend you money?

Though both these options were available to us we chose to go down the crowdfunding route. One of the main reasons for this was because it’s great to start engaging with our followers as soon as possible and for them to be involved in the processes and join us on the journey. It also gives us an opportunity to give a little back to everyone who has supported us right from the beginning. With the Kickstarter process we will not see any of the money unless we meet our target, and our backers will not be charged, so we need all your help to reach our goal!

If you surf in daylight, you need sunscreen. If you want to avoid looking like a bulldog, you need moisturiser. So what are you waiting for? Help Tom and Ride Skincare create natural products for us all on Kickstarter.

P.S. I haven’t been paid or received free product for this post! In fact I like the idea so much I’ve put my money where my mouth is and made a pledge. Hope you do too. Cheers

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