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Mermaids are real

No really, mermaids do exist! And if that’s not awesome enough, they’re helping save our oceans.

An inspired few female professional freedivers have combined a passion for diving, modelling, art and ocean conservation, to become full time mermaids.

Here’s an introduction to three of these amazing non-mythical creatures:

Hannah Fraser

Hannah ‘Mermaid’ Fraser
Image source: Facebook

Hannah Fraser’s talents include being a:
• mermaid
• ocean activist
• freediver
• scuba diver
• model
• movie star
• photographer
• artist

Hannah began drawing mermaids aged 3, and grew her first tail when she was 9. Well I say she ‘grew’ her first tail, it was more a determined design project involving lots of orange plastic.

Through a combination of constantly swimming, modelling, and being artistic, her three passions became one – being a professional mermaid. Now Hannah the Mermaid appears in surf movies, music videos, charity projects, company advertisements, magazine articles and more.

Not only does Hannah donate a percentage of her earnings to ocean charities, she has worked tirelessly with Surfers for Cetaceans to help end the needless slaughter and capture of whales and dolphins.

Find out more on Hannah Fraser’s website.

Linden Wolbert

Linden Wolbert – Professional mermaid
Image source: Facebook

Linden Wolbert’s talents include being a:
• mermaid
• underwater model
• freediver
• science geek
• videographer
• educator
• ocean advocate

Besides being beautiful and having a degree in Film and Science, Linden can hold her breath underwater for 5 minutes. A useful set of talents when you’re a professional underwater mermaid.

In addition to her commercial work with business promotions, movies and kids parties, Linden has created a series of ‘Mermaid Minute’ videos.

Her mission is to educate and encourage others especially children, to experience and explore the oceans and become aquatic ambassadors.

Linden believes that “once a child (or adult!) sees aquatic creatures in their natural habitat, they have a profound appreciation for conserving them.”

Watch Linden’s mermaid minute videos here, or visit her site Mermaids in Motion.

Mermaid Melissa

Mermaid Melissa
Image source: Facebook

Mermaid Melissa’s talents include being a:
• mermaid
• freediver
• model
• actress
• ocean conservationist
• surfer

Mermaid Melissa claims to be the only woman in the world legally named ‘Mermaid’. Melissa officially changed her name to mermaid, as a daily reminder of the life-long process to learn, evolve, and be willing adapt for the sake of conserving our blue planet.

Despite being a big fan of films like Splash and The Little Mermaid, being a mermaid has not been a lifelong pursuit. Although it has been a natural result of a lifetime’s events.

As a young surfer girl in Florida, Melissa dreamt of a aquatic career. Through a series of jobs at Disney and Universal Studios, she progressed from cage cleaner to movie star.

After many movies working with her trained animals, Melissa returned to Florida to complete her PADI course and become a professional freediver. At the age of 12, Melissa could hold her breath for two and a half minutes, and at her freediving peak could hold her breath underwater for 5 minutes.

Now Melissa has combined her talents and performs with her licensed Mermaid Entertainment Aquatic Company, including trained professional mermaids, mermen, and pirates. Besides putting on a spectacular show they are on a mission to “help save the oceans before all creatures become mythical”.

Find out more or hire Mermaid Melissa here.

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