Most men “aren’t bothered” about Father’s Day gifts, so gathering intel on gift ideas can be a challenge.
Socks, Lynx gift sets and giant Toblerone’s will get a smile. But if really want to impress your dad on his dedicated day, here’s some suggestions:
Surfer Dads
The best thing you can do for a man who loves surfing, is give him your blessing and let him go surfing. Even better call his mate’s and make sure they all go at the same time. Even better than that, let them all do their thing and allow time for a post session pint.
If you have kids and you surf, most sessions will be a ‘splash and dash’. Gone are the days when you used to surf until you got spaghetti arms. Or enjoyed some post surf banter over a pint, or just chilled on the beach and watched the sun set. So the best gift you can give your surfer Dad is an all day surf pass.
If you’re feeling generous or absolutely must buy something, club together and get him a new wetsuit. Or assure yourself a generous inheritance, and get him a new surfboard.
If your purchasing power is poor, then just buy or make something to keep him warm after a good thrash around in the surf.
Lazy Dads
If your Dad’s idea of a perfect weekend is sitting at home in front of the TV, think about why he loves sofas and TV. Is it films, games or just the comfort of cushions and coffee he adores? If he loves films, treat him to a night at the cinema, 3D glasses and popcorn included.
If he’s more into video games, look for tickets to big game expos where he can beta test the latest releases.
If your Dad just simply loves the comfort of being home, a cup of tea and drooling into the TV remote, why not buy him a subscription to Netflix and a new mug?
Sport Loving Dads

Tis the season (ticket) to be jolly
Image source: Birmingham Mail
Has your Dad supported his local club every match day since 1986? Then anything with a club motif will be a winner.
However, what do you buy for a guy who already has every t shirt the team has released, a cupboard full of special edition mugs and signed posters all over the house?
Season tickets for his favourite team, or a ticket to go and see a big match will make the perfect gift.
Tech Loving Dads
For those of us who have techy Dads, choosing a gift he doesn’t already have can be a problem. Most tech Dads get the latest gadgets before the rest of the world know they exist.
If you can’t out-geek your hi-tech Dad, buy him a subscription to a top tech magazine. At least you can give the mags a sneaky glance and pretend you’re geeky.
If you’re feeling brave research the latest gadgets online and choose something you know your Dad will love.
Robyn Edwards currently works for the Wet Suit Centre, a UK based company who specialise in wetsuits, water sports accessories and surfing equipment. The Wet Suit Centre offer professional advice and recommendations for all surfers.