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Cold winter surfing

winter surfing


Back from my winter hibernation, and as I emerge from my cave I’m surrounded by snow and ice. So what better way to ease in 2012 than with a cold water photo collection.

It’s amazing what we do in the name of pleasure. At this time of year – when the puddles on the beach freeze, and getting changed out of your wetsuit is a life threatening experience – I sometimes ask myself “is winter surfing worth it?”.

Winter surfing is painful at times: ice cream headaches, frozen extremities and for many weekend-only surfing due to the lack of daylight. However, look on the bright side: no crowds, big waves and consistent swell.

So what do you think: is cold winter surfing worth it?

Wild winter surfing

Josh Kerr wrapped up and ready

Confronting the elements

Winter waves

New Brighton Beach buried in snow

Idyllic Iceland

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